Monday, April 21, 2008

Cracked the $400 mark

I've cracked the $400 mark, and am pretty happy with where I stand at the moment.

I bought into VC last week to chase a one-time 100% reload bonus. Played some more 0.5/1 and 1/2 limit (shorthanded), and did reasonably well. The fish apparently don't go away as you move up in stakes. The problem with shorthanded play is that it isn't efficient in chasing the bonuses at VC (to do that you need to play tight at 10 player tables). The VC bonus was working out at 50% rakeback or worse.

So I finally bought into Pacific for the Poker Listings 50% up to $150 bonus, which is a 20x play through bonus (100% rakeback effectively). That's much better for shorthanded play. I can always go back to VC, as I have more than a month left to cash it out.

I also made a very easy $20 by referring a friend to Neteller. That was the easiest bonus yet!

I'm now sitting with about $120 on VC, $300 in Pacific, and $20 in Tower. Not too bad starting from zero!

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